According to me, there are few things which if we keep in mind; we can live our life happily. So I call it - Secret of Happiness. The following is the Secret of Happiness:
• Control Your Anger – Control your anger before it controls you. The First Lesson taught to every student in Ancient India was “Satyam Vada, Krodham Maakuru”. This means -“Always speak truth, and never yield to anger”. Buddha had also said – “Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burnt”. Getting too much angry is not good for the health. Anger elevates blood pressure, increases threat of stroke, heart disease, depression, and anxiety disorders. There are many ways to control anger; one is drink a glass of water or count 1 to 100. Remember, for every minute of anger, you lose 60 seconds of joy.
• Free your Heart from Hatred – If someone hurts you; don’t mind it, since it is the law of the nature that “The tree that bears sweetest fruit gets the maximum number of stones”. Many times we hate the person who says something about us behind our back. If people talk behind your back what does that mean?? Simple! It means you are two steps ahead of them so keep moving ahead without bothering about them. The simple way is to forget it or write a letter to that person and then tear the letter and throw it and just forget about it. It becomes easier to forget, when one unburdens one’s mind.
• Enjoy Every Moment of Life - Time is the most precious thing in the world, once gone never comes back, so enjoy every moment of life. People spend their life in making money and lose their health and then they lose their money to restore their health. By thinking seriously about the future they forget the present such that they live neither for present nor for the future. They live as if they will never die & they die as they have never lived. Each moment is precious and we need to realize the fact that those who live for others live forever even after their death. We should enjoy our life and make others happy too. Charlie Chaplin had said that “Life laughs at you when you are unhappy…Life smiles at you when you are happy…but, Life salutes you when you make others happy”.
• Keep Laughing and Smiling - Research has proved that laughter is the best medicine. Do you know the meaning of Smile? S-sets you free. M-makes you special. I-increases your face value. L-lifts up your spirit. E-erases your tensions. A famous proverb about Smile is “Smile costs less than Electricity and gives more light”. So keep Smiling.
• Burn Your Ego – In Rig Veda it is mentioned that - “Ego is the biggest enemy of Human”. There are people who think they are above all the other human beings because of money and power and they get the Ego of being rich and powerful. They forget that they are also being made by the same God who made others. They don’t talk to others thinking why should they begin first…let others come to them. Life passes and those people get away from their near and dear ones because of ego. One should burn his/her ego to live a happy life.
• Control Your Anger – Control your anger before it controls you. The First Lesson taught to every student in Ancient India was “Satyam Vada, Krodham Maakuru”. This means -“Always speak truth, and never yield to anger”. Buddha had also said – “Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burnt”. Getting too much angry is not good for the health. Anger elevates blood pressure, increases threat of stroke, heart disease, depression, and anxiety disorders. There are many ways to control anger; one is drink a glass of water or count 1 to 100. Remember, for every minute of anger, you lose 60 seconds of joy.
• Free your Heart from Hatred – If someone hurts you; don’t mind it, since it is the law of the nature that “The tree that bears sweetest fruit gets the maximum number of stones”. Many times we hate the person who says something about us behind our back. If people talk behind your back what does that mean?? Simple! It means you are two steps ahead of them so keep moving ahead without bothering about them. The simple way is to forget it or write a letter to that person and then tear the letter and throw it and just forget about it. It becomes easier to forget, when one unburdens one’s mind.
• Enjoy Every Moment of Life - Time is the most precious thing in the world, once gone never comes back, so enjoy every moment of life. People spend their life in making money and lose their health and then they lose their money to restore their health. By thinking seriously about the future they forget the present such that they live neither for present nor for the future. They live as if they will never die & they die as they have never lived. Each moment is precious and we need to realize the fact that those who live for others live forever even after their death. We should enjoy our life and make others happy too. Charlie Chaplin had said that “Life laughs at you when you are unhappy…Life smiles at you when you are happy…but, Life salutes you when you make others happy”.
• Keep Laughing and Smiling - Research has proved that laughter is the best medicine. Do you know the meaning of Smile? S-sets you free. M-makes you special. I-increases your face value. L-lifts up your spirit. E-erases your tensions. A famous proverb about Smile is “Smile costs less than Electricity and gives more light”. So keep Smiling.
• Burn Your Ego – In Rig Veda it is mentioned that - “Ego is the biggest enemy of Human”. There are people who think they are above all the other human beings because of money and power and they get the Ego of being rich and powerful. They forget that they are also being made by the same God who made others. They don’t talk to others thinking why should they begin first…let others come to them. Life passes and those people get away from their near and dear ones because of ego. One should burn his/her ego to live a happy life.